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DATASET DESCRIPTION: KRAS4b molecular simulation data constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.
MuMMI Splash Run 2 for KRAS4b Protein Modeling
Short Description:

KRAS4b molecular simulation data constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.

Long Description:

This dataset contains Multiscale Machine-Learned Modeling Infrastructure (MUMMI) Splash Run 2 simulations for Campaign 1. This dataset contains about 2,089,718 uncompressed files, totaling about 145 TB. The counts represent the files in a state that is approximate of the state found during a simulation campaign. The dataset contains simulation data with the following types of patch tarballs:


A tarball that contains the system .tpr file and associated .xtc trajectory file.


A tarball containing all ddcMD inputs used in the simulation, .itp parameter files, snapshots to restart the simulation, and analysis/position data.


A tarball of the system (including intermediate files) as it was constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.

This dataset also contains a macro file (macro.tar.gz).

VERSION: Version 1
CONTENT TYPE: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data, KRAS, Protein Modeling
CDRP Models & Software
DATASET DESCRIPTION: KRAS4b coarse grained simulation data constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI along with macro-scale input files and data for simulation
MuMMI Splash Run 4 for KRAS4b Protein Modeling
Short Description:

KRAS4b coarse grained simulation data constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI along with macro-scale input files and data for simulation

Long Description:

This dataset contains Multiscale Machine-Learned Modeling Infrastructure (MuMMI) Splash Run 4 simulations for Campaign 1. This dataset contains about 6,360,365 uncompressed files, totaling about 212 TB. The counts represent the files in a state that is approximate of the state found during a simulation campaign. The coarse-grained simulation data contains the following types of patch tarballs:


A tarball that contains the system .tpr file and associated .xtc trajectory file.


A tarball containing all ddcMD inputs used in the simulation, .itp parameter files, snapshots to restart the simulation, and analysis/position data.


A tarball of the system (including intermediate files) as it was constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.

This dataset also contains the following macro-scale input files:

Macro file and feedback data


Machine learning files


Macro-patch data


VERSION: Version 1
CONTENT TYPE: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data, KRAS, Protein Modeling
CDRP Models & Software
DATASET DESCRIPTION: RAS-RAF molecular simulation data constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.
MuMMI Splash Run for RAS-RAF Protein Modeling
Short Description:

RAS-RAF molecular simulation data constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.

Long Description:

This dataset contains Multiscale Machine-Learned Modeling Infrastructure (MuMMI) Splash Run simulations for Campaign 3. This dataset contains about 46,380,836 uncompressed files, totaling about 271 TB. The counts represent the files in a state that is approximate of the state found during a simulation campaign. The dataset contains simulation data with the following types of patch tarballs:


Tarballs that contain the system .tpr file and associated .xtc trajectory file.


Tarballs containing all ddcMD inputs used in the simulation, .itp parameter files, snapshots to restart the simulation, and analysis/position data.


Micro-scale input files as it was constructed by the automated system construction in MuMMI.


All-Atomistic (AA) input files and data


AMBER simulation and analysis files

This dataset also contains folders for macro, ml, and patches.

VERSION: Version 1
CONTENT TYPE: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data, RAS-RAF, Protein Modeling
CDRP Models & Software
DATASET DESCRIPTION: Collection of parameters and inputs files for running molecular dynamics computer simulations of RAS proteins associated with a lipid-based cell membrane model in water, as well as resulting time-trajectories of atomic motion in these simulations
RAS Protein Molecular Dynamics Simulations
RAS Mol. Dyn.
Short Description:

Collection of parameters and inputs files for running molecular dynamics computer simulations of RAS proteins associated with a lipid-based cell membrane model in water, as well as resulting time-trajectories of atomic motion in these simulations

Long Description:

This dataset contains 6,401 files that describe parameters and other inputs for running molecular dynamics computer simulations of RAS proteins associated with a lipid-based cell membrane model in water, as well as resulting time-trajectories of atomic motion in these simulations. Specifically, this dataset includes:

  • Twenty-one (21) files containing generalized force field parameters.
  • Twenty-two (22) files of similar format and content for each of 290 separate molecular dynamics simulations (22 * 290 = 6,380).

The total size of this dataset is 1.0 TB.

VERSION: Version 1
CONTENT TYPE: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data, RAS Proteins, Protein Modeling
CDRP Models & Software