Eighth Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop (CAFCW22) held in conjunction with Supercomputing (SC22)

November 13- 2022
Duration: Three Hours
08:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dallas, Texas
Supplemental Material
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Event Description

Workshop Overview:

New computational opportunities and challenges have emerged within the cancer research and clinical application areas as the size, source, and complexity of cancer datasets have grown. Simultaneously, advances in computational capabilities, with exceptional growth in AI and deep learning, are reaching unprecedented scales. A special emphasis for the 2022 workshop is efforts and computational approaches for high performance computing (HPC) to accelerate new treatments. Such efforts span many key areas in cancer including drug discovery, precision radiation oncology, virtual clinical trials, and AI to deliver precision cancer treatments.

This Eighth Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop 2022 (CAFCW22) brought together a wide range of individuals including clinicians, cancer biologists, mathematicians, data scientists, computational scientists, engineers, developers, vendors, thought leaders, and others with an interest in advancing the use of computation to better understand, diagnose, treat, and prevent cancer.

As an interdisciplinary workshop, the sharing of insight and challenges fosters collaborations and future innovations accelerating progress in computationally and data-driven cancer research and clinical applications. The importance of HPC is ever increasing as a critical component of cancer research and clinical applications. The current global cancer ecosystem including new scientific methods, AI, ever expanding sources of data, and use of simulations have set the stage for tremendous growth in HPC with the new US Cancer Moonshot 2.0, which aims to reduce mortality of cancer by 50% in 25 years.

Originally established as part of the SC Conference Series (https://supercomputing.org) during the advent of the Precision Medicine and the US National Strategic Computing Initiative, this workshop continues to provide a key venue for all disciplines and interests to converge, share insights, and develop collaborations where HPC and computational approaches will advance the frontiers of cancer research and cancer care. Over the past eight years (2014-2022), the CAFCW has brought together cancer researchers and advanced computing scientists to share ideas and challenges, establish collaborations, and identify common needs.

CAFCW22 Organizing Committee:

  • Eric Stahlberg, PhD, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
  • Sean Hanlon, PhD, National Cancer Institute
  • Sally Ellingson, PhD, University of Kentucky
  • Patricia Kovatch, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai
  • Lynn Borkon, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
  • Petrina Hollingsworth, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research

CAFCW22 Program Committee:

  • Boris Aguilar, PhD, Institute for Systems Biology
  • Orly Alter, PhD, University of Utah
  • Jane Bai, PhD, Food and Drug Administration
  • Kristy Brock, PhD, MD Anderson
  • Jeff Buchsbaum, MD, PhD, National Cancer Institute
  • Hsun-Hsien Shane Chang, PhD, Novartis
  • Caroline Chung, MD, MD Anderson
  • Michael Difilippantonio, PhD, National Cancer Institute
  • Keyvan Farahani, PhD, National Cancer Institute
  • James Glazier, PhD, Indiana University
  • Emily Greenspan, PhD, National Cancer Institute
  • Ryuji Hamamoto, PhD, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
  • Christopher Hartshorn, PhD, National Cancer Institute
  • David Hormuth, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • Florence Hudson, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub at Columbia University in the City of New York
  • Ai Kagawa, PhD, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Ho-Joon Lee, PhD, Yale University
  • Ernesto Lima, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • Amanda Paulson, PhD, University of California, San Francisco
  • Thomas Radman, PhD, National Institutes of Health
  • Katarzyna (Kasia) Rejniak, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center
  • Russell Rockne, PhD, City of Hope
  • Gundolf Schenk, PhD, University of California, San Francisco
  • Ilya Shmulevich, PhD, Institute for Systems Biology
  • Amber Simpson, PhD, Queen's University
  • Thomas Steinke, PhD, Zuse Institute Berlin
  • Kristin Swanson, PhD, Mayo Arizona
  • Gina Tourassi, PhD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Thomas Yankeelov, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • George Zaki, PhD, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research