Drug Mechanism of Action Information
(Drug MoA)

Dataset Description
Dataset Description

This dataset contains drug MoA information on both FDA-approved anti-cancer drugs and investigational drugs/compounds.

  • One text file provides the MoA information of compounds collected from the Drug Repurposing Hub of the Broad Institute. The data have been further processed to include compound name, PubChem ID, Broad Institute ID, SMILES, MoA description, and target gene symbols.
  • The other text file provides the MoA information of compounds/drugs included in the CTRP, GDSC, CCLE, and gCSI drug screening studies. The MoA information is curated from multiple sources and is grouped into categories. Target genes are represented by both gene symbols and Entrez IDs. Drug IDs used by the Cellular-Level Pilot project are also included.
Content Type
Content Type
Drug Molecular Descriptors
Cell Line Drugs